fredag 11 november 2011

Late Night Snack.

Worked until late tonight. Really tired. Really hungry. No inspiration. Just kidding.

I started of by slicing nice dark bread from Food and frying it with some olive oil. First layer. 

 Some nice avocado.

Sliced tomato. 

I didn't have any salad so i sliced cucumber really thin so it would act as the salad, a little bit of moist to the sandwich. 

Thinly sliced potato fried in baconfat until crispy. 

The bacon that produced the fat. Bacon fried in a pan. Cold pan, bacon in, THEN over the heat to extract the fat slowly and then fry the bacon in it's own fat. 

Misomayo. Like regular mayo only with some miso-paste and green chili. 

Lid on - et voíla!

Now leave me! Need to eat!! :)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Wow det där är ju bättre än många av mina middagar, avocado är inte studentmat! Men du är säkert värd det!

  2. Tack ;)
    Kommer till dig lagom till din examen när mitt hjärta börjar säcka ihop..
